Easy Tomato-Basil Chicken Bites

Looking for a light snack when 3pm hits or the perfect appetizer for family and friends? These little bites not only give a great presentation but they are a DELICIOUS way to score points for plant-based nutrition.  I always say every meal or snack should have both protein, fiber and at least some type of veggie (if possible)... This checks the box in all areas!

  • Lean Chicken Breast provides protein - CHECK

  • Tomato (or any veggies for that matter) provides Fiber - CHECK

  • Tomato and basil are veggies with wonderful phytonutrients like lycopene for heart and prostate health and antioxidants for inflammatory disease - CHECK


1 Large Heirloom Tomato, sliced into thick rounds

1 chicken breast (or 1 cup chopped)

¼ cup pesto (see my Pesto Recipe!)

Fresh Basil


1.Wash tomato well and slice into thick slices. 

2.In a small bowl, mix chopped/shredded chicken with pesto. 

3.Add chicken-pesto mixture to tomato slices and serve with a basil leaf on top. (To slice basil roll up leaves and slice into thin strips).  Option to season with salt/pepper or a drizzle of olive oil.


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